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Links to E-Books
You already know that the Internet is one of the most convenient, effective means of researching and finding information for your classes, but did you know that in some cases it can replace all of your hefty textbooks and reading assignments too? With ebooks, you can read, stream, and listen to lessons, classic literature, poetry and reference books on the Internet or your mobile device. Here are useful links for ebook lovers.
These ebooks are all free, so you can download as many as you want without having to set up a textbook budget.
Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg was the first to supply free ebooks, and today they have almost 30,000 free titles in stock.
Free-eBooks.net: Besides browsing topics like biography, fan fiction, games, history or tutorials, you can submit your own ebook, too.
ManyBooks.net: You can conduct an advanced search, type in a title or author, browse categories or select books by language, from Finnish to Bulgarian to Catalan to Swedish.
Authorama: This public domain book site has a wide variety of ebooks for free, by Lewis Carroll, Emerson, Kafka, and more.
Bartleby: Whiel Bartleby charges for some titles, it has a free ebook store here.
bibliomania: You will find over 2,000 classic texts from bibliomania, plus study guides, reference material and more.
Baen Free Library: You can download ebooks for HTML, RTF, Microsoft Reader and for Palm, Psion and Window CE.
eBookLobby: You’ll find lost of self-help, hobby and reference books here, plus children’s fiction and more.​
Business and Education
Turn to these ebook lists and resources for help with classes and your career.​
BookBoon.com: Students can download free textbooks, from economics to biology to study abroad here.
Digital Book Index: This site has over 140,000 titles, including textbooks and a pending American Studies collection.
Tech eBooks
Get programming, design and other tech assistance when you head to these ebook resources.
FreeComputerBooks.com: Find magazines and IT books for reference and general interest.
OnlineComputerBooks.com: Find free computer ebooks on networking, MySQL, Python, PHP, C++ and more.
FreeTechBooks.com: This site has downloads in categories like artificial intelligence, functional programming and parallel computing.
Tech Books for Free: From the web to computer programming to science, you’ll find all sorts of tech ebooks here.
Find poetry ebooks and collections here.
everypoet.com: Read classic poetry on this site.
PoemHunter.com: Download poems in PDF format here.
Share these interactive ebook resources with young students.
International Children’s Digital Library: The ICDL is a colorful site devoted to children’s ebooks.
ebook88: On this site, there’s a Christmas Bookshelf, and plenty of other kids’ ebook links.
Children’s Storybooks Online: Find kids’ storybooks, home schooling materials, and more.
Children’s Books Online: the Rosetta Project, Inc.: Here you’ll find loads of books and translations for kids.
Read.gov: From children’s classics to in-progress digital books, Read.gov has excellent ebook resources.
Storyline Online: The Screen Actors Guild Foundation presents Storyline Online with streaming videos of actors reading children’s books.
Mocomi Kids: Mocomi has been providing its subscribers fun activities, educational games, informative videos, and interactive stories by using world class skills in animation.
From social networking and ebooks to bundles of books, turn here.
Scribd: This ebook finder and social network shares what people are currently reading, and lets you upload your own book.
eBooks.com: Get NYT bestsellers for $9.99 each, plus all kinds of academic ebooks, non-fiction and more.
Indiacelebrating.com: is an informative web portal offering information on festivals and celebrations in India. This web portal is a New Delhi, India based IT Company.